Syracuse’s Snowiest March months

Central New York is in the middle of the third-snowiest March on record, and more snow could be on the way.

There’s still plenty of time to beat the all-time record set in 1993 by the
Blizzard of the Century Syracuse needs just another foot of snow to hit that mark.

March of 1993, in which 42 inches of snow fell in two days. Total for that month was 54.4 inches. (The normal amount of snowfall for an entire month of March, is 18 inches.)
Since last fall, Syracuse has had 149.7 inches of snow, enough to be the 12th snowiest season since records began in 1903.
The snowiest? That was 1992-1993, with 192.1 inches. Normal for Syracuse is 124 inches.

If the old saying for March, (in like a lion, —– out like a lamb) holds true, we may be in for a early spring!!

Year SnowFall
01 1993 54.4
02 2001 45.0
03 2018 43.6   * (35.75)
04 1992 41.3
05 1984 40.3
06 1947 38.6
07 1971 37.2
08 1956 36.0
09 1950 33.9

The Golden Snowball Award is a contest between 5 cities in CNY – Upstate New York. The contest is based on which city receives the most snowfall for the snow season. The cities that compete are Albany, Buffalo, Binghamton, Rochester and Syracuse. Last years Champion was Binghamton.” A trophy is awarded to the winning city every year.

Check out the GoldenSnowball website for more info.

* = Fairmount Hills March Snowfall to date.

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